Jordan Meehan, LCSW

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. ~Jennifer Lee​

I provide a safe environment where you can develop insight into your experiences, behaviors, and relationships, as well as build healthy coping habits, self-care skills, and positive self-regard.

Jordan Meehan, LCSW
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Are you ready to make changes to improve your life and relationships? My experiences have allowed me to partner with individuals striving to overcome a variety of challenges:

Working Together

I work with you to overcome difficult experiences, to build resiliency, and to empower you to live a fulfilled life.

You know yourself better than anyone, so my job is to be a guide who provides hope, options, and never advice.

The process of taking steps to heal from trauma, life’s stressors, and build resilience can seem impossible at times.

When meeting with me, you will be treated as a unique person. I will work alongside you to help you recognize the talents, skills, and strengths that you already possess to help you overcome your challenges and live in a way that honors your values.

If you have suffered a traumatic experience, to help you find your way through this darkness and find joy again, I use a progressive approach that allows you to heal one step at a time. Part of the healing process is learning what it means to feel safe again, so we will focus on how your trauma has impacted your mind, body, and spirit.

Slowly, and at a pace that works for you, we will work together to retrain your mind and body to respond to reminders of your trauma differently and reestablish your sense of safety.

Your specific needs and goals are respected and addressed at every step in your healing process.

At the heart of our work is a Strength-Based approach. This model shifts from a traditional deficit-based approach to promote overall health by recognizing your strengths and competencies as the foundation of our work together.

My style is direct, approachable, humorous, and warm. I want you to have a reflective space where you feel completely accepted so that you can dig into your challenges and build concrete skills to help you meet your goals. I often use a variety of therapeutic techniques and approaches, including:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – incorporates acceptance and mindfulness to achieve committed action. The objective of ACT is not to avoid or eliminate difficult feelings but to learn how to embrace them without overreacting to them.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – an action-oriented approach focuses on developing personal coping strategies to solve current problems and change unhelpful cognitive patterns.
  • Mindfulness – focuses on teaching you to be present in the moment with your feelings, physical sensations, and the environment around you in order to improve how you manage your emotions and identify your needs.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) helps you become mentally and emotionally “unstuck” so your brain can go through its’ natural healing process. It is designed to help you resolve unprocessed traumatic memories more quickly than other therapy approaches.
  • Trauma-focused CBT –  focuses on the use of narratives or storytelling to help overcome a variety of trauma-related challenges.  

I feel honored and grateful when people allow me to be a part of their healing process. I look forward to being a part of your journey!

A Bit About Me

As I hope you share parts of yourself with me, I offer a few insights into my life outside the office:

  • Cooking is not my thing, but I absolutely love to bake! Baking is my ultimate form of self-care and relaxation. Plus, I enjoy getting to share my treats with those around me!
  • My first love is dance. I grew up dancing, singing, and performing and I try to dance any chance I get.
  • I have a pet parrot, Izzy, that I love to play with all the time. Some days, he acts like a puppy and will cuddle and hide under blankets.

Qualifications & Certifications

  • Master’s Degree in Social Work from Indiana University
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of Illinois
  • Certified Child and Adolescent Trauma Professional (CATP)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

Jordan Meehan, LCSW

verified by Psychology Today

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We will help you identify and build upon your strengths to make meaningful change.