Written by Jordan Meehan, LCSW

Going through a traumatic break-up can feel like navigating a stormy sea. The emotional pain, confusion, and sense of loss can be overwhelming. Also, changes brought on by the loss of a relationship can be challenging to navigate. However, it’s important to remember that healing is possible. With time, self-care, and support, you can regain your emotional well-being and move forward towards a fulfilling future.

Here are 10 essential tips to help you begin healing from heartbreak after a traumatic break-up.

1. Allow Yourself to Grieve:

Acknowledge your pain and give yourself permission to grieve the loss of the relationship. It’s okay to feel a range of emotions such as sadness, anger, and confusion. Allow yourself to express these emotions in healthy ways, whether it’s through journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or seeking professional assistance. Grieving is a natural part of healing from heartbreak.

2. Practice Self-Compassion:

During this difficult time, it’s crucial to be kind and gentle with yourself. Avoid self-blame or dwelling on what could have been done differently. Remind yourself that break-ups are sometimes outside of your control. Treat yourself with compassion and engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself. Remember, you are worthy of love and happiness.

3. Take Care of Your Physical Health:

A traumatic break-up can take a toll on your physical well-being. Ensure you’re prioritizing your health by maintaining a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. Physical activity can release endorphins, boosting your mood and promoting a sense of well-being. Nourishing your body will also support your emotional healing.

4. Create a New Routine:

Establishing a new routine can help provide structure and stability during this difficult period. Set small goals for yourself each day and gradually reintroduce activities you enjoy. Filling your schedule with positive and fulfilling tasks can help redirect your focus away from the pain of the break-up. It’s an opportunity to explore new hobbies or revisit old ones.

5. Avoid Isolation:

While it’s natural to crave solitude during times of heartache, excessive isolation can intensify negative emotions. Make an effort to engage in social activities, even if it feels challenging at first. Join a club, take a class, or reconnect with old friends. Surrounding yourself with positive interactions and social support can aid in the healing process.

6. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:

Cultivating mindfulness can be beneficial when coping with a traumatic break-up. Take time each day to sit quietly, focus on your breath, and observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Engaging in mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce anxiety, promote self-awareness, and bring about a sense of inner peace. Allow yourself to be present in the moment.

7. Set Boundaries:

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial during this vulnerable period. Communicate your needs and limits to your ex-partner and others around you. This may involve limiting contact, unfollowing them on social media, or even seeking distance from your ex-partner. Give yourself space to heal and re-establish your emotional well-being. Protect yourself and prioritize your needs for healing.

8. Rediscover Yourself:

Use this time as an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. Reconnect with your passions, hobbies, and interests that may have been neglected during the relationship. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment can help rebuild your sense of self and create a stronger foundation for future relationships. Embrace your individuality and celebrate the things that make you unique.

9. Seek Support:

Don’t face the pain alone. Reach out to your support system, which may include friends, family, or a therapist. Surround yourself with people who can listen without judgment, offer comfort, and provide a safe space for you to express your feelings. Sharing your emotions can provide relief and help you gain new perspectives. It’s okay to ask for help.

10. Be Patient with Yourself:

Healing takes time, and there is no fixed timeline for moving on from a traumatic break-up. Be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout the process. Embrace the ups and downs as natural parts of the healing journey. Celebrate even the smallest steps forward and remember that the pain you are feeling is temporary. Believe that you have the strength to overcome this heartbreak. You are resilient!

Coping with a traumatic break-up is undeniably challenging, but with the right strategies and support, healing is possible. Remember to be gentle with yourself, seek support, and practice self-care. In time, you will emerge from this difficult experience, ready to embrace new beginnings.

Healing from heartbreak takes time. Restorative Counseling can help.

The end of any relationship comes with a variety of emotions, some more challenging than others to work through and tolerate. The team at Restorative Counseling works with you and at a pace that respects your needs to help you overcome this significant change and grieve your loss. Our goal is to assist you in learning to trust the healing process and believe that you have the strength to overcome this heartbreak. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


Hi, I’m Jordan!

I partner with teens and adults to treat concerns related to trauma, anxiety, and relationships utilizing CBT, ACT, and EMDR approaches. Read more about me.

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